An enumeration is a range of (usually) distinct symbolic constants.

Until Java 1.5, an enumeration was simply an informal grouping of static final variables:

  public static final int RED = 0;
  public static final int REDAMBER = 1;
  public static final int GREEN = 2;
  public static final int AMBER = 3;

(Java also has a class Enumeration, which serves a different, unrelated purpose.)

Java 1.5 introduced a specific concept for enumerations:

  public enum LightState { RED, REDAMBER, GREEN, AMBER }

These are distinct instances of a class type, and don't correspond to integer values (apart from their order).

C has a concept with a similar syntax, but with semantics rather more like static finals:

enum light { RED, REDAMBER, GREEN, AMBER };

This defines a new type enum light, and defines the symbols RED for 0, REDAMBER for 1, GREEN for 2, and AMBER for 3.

The first symbol is assigned the value 0, and each subsequent symbol is assigned the next integer. However, a symbol can be assigned a particular value:

enum light { RED = 3, REDAMBER, GREEN = 1, AMBER };

This also implies that REDAMBER is 4, and that AMBER is 2.

If a new type is not required, the tag can be omitted:


The symbols can be used in any expression, and may be assigned to any integral type, not just the enum type. For this reason, the tag is rarely used.

C enums are no more sophisticated than that. In contrast to Java, the symbols are not objects, and cannot take parameters.