In Java, the use of a function may appear earlier than its definition. In C, all functions being used in a source file EM(should) be declared somewhere earlier than their invocations in that file, allowing the compiler to check if the call's arguments match the function's formal parameters. A function declaration (or prototype) looks like a function definition, but its body (the code between and including the braces (‘{’ and ‘}’)) is replaced by a semicolon (syntactically similar to a native method, or an interface method, in Java). If the compiler finds a function invocation before any declaration, it will try to infer a declaration from the invocation, and this may not match the true definition. A proper declaration can be inferred from a function definition, should that be encountered first.

/* a declaration; parameter names may be omitted */
int power(int base, int exponent);

/* From here until the end of the file, we can make calls to power(),
   even though the definition hasn't been encountered. */

/* a definition; parameter names do not need to match declaration */
int power(int b, int e)
  int r = 1;
  while (e-- > 0)
    r *= b;
  return r;