CCML Logical Operators

A logical expression combines the results of its direct CCML children. With the default OR operator, it succeeds if any of those children succeed. With AND, it fails only if one of those children fails. nor and nand invert those results respectively.

In version 1.0, for example,the following example fragment succeeds only if the property arch includes the token i386 and plugin-types includes Proxylet:

<cc:logic op="and">
  <cc:rel prop="arch" arg="i386">
  <cc:rel prop="plugin-types" arg="Proxylet">

You can also use the operator names as elements:

  <cc:rel prop="arch" arg="i386">
  <cc:rel prop="plugin-types" arg="Proxylet">

For earlier versions, down to 0.2, the form is:

  <REL PROP="arch" arg="i386">
  <REL PROP="plugin-types" ARG="Proxylet">

The form does not exist in version 0.1.