Railpro stuff

Bits and pieces for RailPro


Here are a few bits and pieces for RailPro:

  • low-resolution sprites to make the game playable on TVs;

  • a tool to create from layouts hypertext summaries with images;

  • some of my own maps, which you can see here.

Use railplayit.arc together with PlayIt to make RailPro 32-bit compatible.


File Size Last modified Description Requirements and recommendations
22¼KiB 2000-09-10 low-res sprites RISC OS
24¼KiB 2000-09-15 create layout summaries RISC OS
1¼MiB 2003-05-12 use PlayIt to play sounds RISC OS
1½KiB 2001-08-25 a layout RISC OS
1128B 2001-06-23 a layout RISC OS
1¾KiB 2001-06-23 a layout RISC OS
1½KiB 2001-06-23 a layout RISC OS
1½KiB 2001-06-23 a layout RISC OS
1½KiB 2001-06-23 a layout RISC OS