Portable C event reactor

Single-threaded management of I/O events


This is supposed to be a portable C implementation of an event reactor. You use a reactor when you want to write a single-threaded program that spends a lot of time doing nothing but waiting for several different external stimuli, not knowing which one would occur first. For example, you might be waiting for a connection on a socket, or a command on the console, or space in an audio buffer. So you need to call accept, fgets and write, but you can't do more than one, and you can't do any one without preventing the other two, because the call will block the entire process. You could make your tests for stimuli non-blocking, but then you have a program spinning in a tight loop, pointlessly using up CPU cycles.

What you might do instead is call a function like select(), which you can provide with all the file descriptors you're interested in. It will watch all of them at once, and only return when at least one of them becomes readable without blocking, or when a timeout occurs. That's great, but maintaining the structures that you provide to select() is tedious. Also, you might want to use something other than select(), like pselect(), poll() or MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(), depending on your platform. If someone tries to write a portable I/O library, such as a protocol implementation over regular sockets, or a command-line interpreter over stdin, or an audio scheduler over a device file, with which you can build your program, which of these interfaces should it be designed for?

Some libraries deal with this problem by providing their own polling loop, which is no good if you want to use two such libraries together. The sound library for ALSA provides functions to integrate it into a polling loop based on poll() (see snd_seq_poll_descriptors()), but this is no good if you want to use this library alongside another one that only expects to work with select(). IIRC, the X11 libraries do tell you which socket they are using, but that means such a library exposes its internals, which then can't be changed without changing its interface. See the problem presented in gtk_main() and unix sockets. The offered solutions aren't pretty:

  1. Use the polling loop built into GTK. But why should a GUI toolkit even have one, when polling is not related to GUIs?

  2. Use the networking built in to GTK. But why should a GUI toolkit have networking, when networking is not related GUIs?

  3. Use another thread, and introduce threading complications.

There should be a standard (POSIX?) interface suitable for all libraries that do blocking I/O. GTK should be a direct user of it. Qt should be a direct user of it. X11 should be a direct user of it. A library implementing an application-level protocol should be a direct user of it. That library or any other part of an application shouldn't have to go through an unrelated library to collaborate on polling.

This is where the reactor comes in, by presenting a standard interface for all such libraries. All you have to do is configure each library to use the same reactor, and then repetitively yield control to the reactor, as you would to select(), poll() or MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(). The reactor's interface is a more natural abstraction, and remains the same regardless of the platform: when stimulus X occurs, perform action Y.

This library is intended for C programs, but also includes a C++ veneer. Unix and Windows are supported. There is immature support for RISC OS.


Install like this:

git clone https://github.com/simpsonst/react.git
cd react
cat > config.mk <<EOF
CPPFLAGS += -pedantic -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter
CFLAGS += -std=gnu11
CXXFLAGS += -std=gnu++11
sudo make install

To update:

git pull origin master
sudo make install

Using the library

Here are some examples of use. You will normally create one core object per program, though you might have one per thread in a multithreaded program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <react/core.h>

react_core_t core;
struct proxy prox;
struct audio aud;

// Create a core.
core = react_opencore(0);
if (core == react_COREERROR) {

/* Create the portable objects of your program, telling then
   about the core. */
init_proxy(&prox, core, /* other config args */);
init_audio(&aud, core, /* other config args */);

// Process events.
while (more_work) {
  if (react_yield(core) < 0) {
    if (errno == EAGAIN)

// Tidy up at end of program.

For each pending event, you need a distinct handle of type react_t:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <react/event.h>
#include <react/idle.h>

react_t ev = react_open(core);
if (ev == react_ERROR) {
  return -1;

// Call my_func(NULL) (the handler) when the event occurs.
void my_func(void *);
react_direct(ev, &my_func, NULL);

// Invoke the handler the next time the core is idle.
if (react_prime_idle(ev) < 0) {
  return -1;

You can re-use event handles as much as you like, e.g., cancel, reprime, whether primed or not. The typical event types are:

react_t ev = ...;

// when the program is idle
#include <react/idle.h>

// at the given time
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <react/time.h>
struct timeval tv = ...;
react_prime_timeval(ev, &tv);

// when the socket is readable
#include <react/fd.h>
react_prime_fd(ev, sock, react_MIN); // or MOUT, MEXC

C interface

The primary types are react_core_t, defined in <react/core.h>, representing a reactor/core, and react_t, defined in <react/event.h>, representing an event handle. Each event handle belongs to one reactor during its lifetime. It has a priority (highest by default), and can be unprimed (the default) or primed, unqueued (the default) or queued. When control is yielded to a reactor, its event handles can be queued if the events they are primed with occur. Queued handles are later processed by priority, which then makes them unqueued and unprimed.

An event handle must be set to invoke a user-defined function of type void ()(void *) when processed. Priming a handle associates it with a particular event, such as a file descriptor becoming readable. If the event occurs, and the core detects it, the handle will be dissociated from the event and queued, and eventually the user-defined function will be invoked.

Cancelling an event handle also dissociates it from any event it is primed against, and returns it to the unprimed state. If it is already queued but not processed, it will not invoke the user-defined function before returning to the unprimed state.

Destroying an event handle also cancels it first. Destroying a reactor dissociates all its event handles from itself, but doesn't destroy them.

#include <react/core.h>

react_core_t react_opencore(size_t prios);
void react_closecore(react_core_t);

int react_yield(react_core_t core);

react_opencore creates a new reactor and returns it. It will support prios distinct priorities. The function returns react_COREERROR on failure, and might set errno.

react_closecore destroys a reactor.

// Only on systems with sigset_t
#include <signal.h>
#include <react/core.h>
#if react_HAVE_SIGSET
sigset_t *react_sigmask(react_core_t core);

You can specify the set of signals to remain blocked when yielding to the reactor. The core retains a sigset_t (default empty), and react_sigmask allows you to access it. Implementations that use ppoll or pselect will pass this set to that call, atomically and temporarily enabling signals in the complement of the set. Implementations that use poll or select will emulate this behaviour less robustly.

Event-handle management

#include <react/core.h>
#include <react/event.h>

react_t react_open(react_core_t core);
int react_close(react_t ev);

react_open creates an event handle for the specified reactor, or returns react_ERROR on failure, setting errno to react_ENOMEM.

react_close destroys an event handle.

Handle configuration

#include <react/event.h>

typedef void react_proc_t(void *);
void react_direct(react_t ev, react_proc_t *func, void *ctxt);

void react_getprios(react_t ev, react_prio_t *p, react_subprio_t *sp);
int react_setprios(react_t ev, react_prio_t p, react_subprio_t sp);

react_direct makes the event handle invoke (*func)(ctxt) when it is triggered.

react_setprios sets the major and minor priorities of the event handle ev to p and sp. It returns non-zero on failure, setting errno to react_EBADSTATE if the event handle is queued. react_getprios sets *p and *sp to the event handle's current major and minor priorities.


The following functions prime an event handle on various types of events. If the event handle is already primed or queued, it is cancelled first.

Some are not available on some platforms. The headers will exist, but the functions will not be declared, and they will not link.

Idle events

#include <react/idle.h>
int react_prime_idle(react_t ev);

The handle will be queued on the next call to react_yield. Use it with a low major priority to do work when otherwise idle.

Timed events

#include <react/time.h>
int react_prime_timeval(react_t, const struct timeval *tp);
int react_prime_timespec(react_t, const struct timespec *tp);

#include <windows.h>
#include <react/time.h>
int react_prime_winfiletime(react_t, const FILETIME *tp);

#include <time.h>
#include <react/time.h>
int react_prime_stdtime(react_t, const time_t *tp);

The handle will be queued at the time specified by *tp, or soon after.

File-descriptor events

#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_fd(react_t, int fd, react_iomode_t m);
int react_prime_fdin(react_t, int fd);
int react_prime_fdout(react_t, int fd);
int react_prime_fdexc(react_t, int fd);

When m is react_MIN, react_MOUT or react_MEXC, the handle will be queued when descriptor fd can be read from, written to, or accessed for exceptional events, without blocking. The other functions simply use a hard-wired mode as indicated by their names.

#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_read(react_t, int fd, void *buf, size_t len,
                     ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle will be queued when [1, len] bytes have been read from fd into the array at buf. The number of bytes read is stored in *rc. If EOF was detected, *rc will be zero. On error, *rc will be -1, and *en will contain the error code.

#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_write(react_t, int fd, const void *buf, size_t len,
                      ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle will be queued when [1, len] bytes have been written to fd from the array at buf. The number of bytes written is stored in *rc. On error, *rc will be -1, and *en will contain the error code.

#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_readv(react_t, int fd, const struct iovec *iov,
                      int niovs, ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle will be queued when at least one byte has been read from fd into the buffers specified by iov[0]iov[niovs-1]. The number of bytes read is stored in *rc. If EOF was detected, *rc will be zero. On error, *rc will be -1, and *en will contain the error code.

#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_writev(react_t, int fd, const struct iovec *iov,
                       int niovs, ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle will be queued when at least one byte from the buffers specified by iov[0]iov[niovs-1] has been written to fd. The number of bytes written is stored in *rc. On error, *rc will be -1, and *en will contain the error code.

#include <sys/select.h>
#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_fds(react_t, int nfds,
                    fd_set *in, fd_set *out, fd_set *exc);

The handle will be queued when at least one of the descriptors in *in, *out and *exc can be accessed without blocking. Only descriptors 0nfds-1 are considered in each set. Any of in, out and exc may be NULL to indicate an empty set, but at least one descriptor must be specified. If, due to priority, the handle is not processed during the call to react_yield that queued it, it will continue to watch for remaining events that have not yet happened. When processed, *in, *out and *exc will contain all events that were detected since it was primed.

#include <poll.h>
#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_poll(react_t, int fd, short evs, short *got);
int react_prime_polls(react_t, struct pollfd *arr, nfds_t len);

With react_prime_poll, the handle is queued when any of the events in evs occur on descriptor fd. If got is not NULL, the actual events that have occurred are written to *got. The possible events are POLLIN, POLLOUT, etc, as specified for poll(). POLLHUP, POLLERR and POLLNVAL are always implicitly watched for.

With react_prime_polls, the handle is queued if any of the events specified in the array arr[0]arr[len-1] occur. The fd field of each element may be negative to be ignored, but at least one descriptor must be specified. The events that have occurred on each descriptor are provided in the corresponding field revents.

With both of these functions, if the handle is not processed as soon as it is queued due to priority, it will continue to monitor for remaining events, and accumulate them as they happen.

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <react/fd.h>
int react_prime_splice(react_t,
                       int fd_in, loff_t *off_in,
                       int fd_out, loff_t *off_out, size_t max,
                       unsigned flags, ssize_t *rc, int *en);
int react_prime_splice_writefirst(react_t,
                                  int fd_in, loff_t *off_in,
                                  int fd_out, loff_t *off_out, size_t max,
                                  unsigned flags, ssize_t *rc, int *en);
int react_prime_splice_dual(react_t,
                            int fd_in, loff_t *off_in,
                            int fd_out, loff_t *off_out, size_t max,
                            unsigned flags, ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle will be queued when fd_out has become writable, and fd_in becomes readable, and upto max bytes have been moved from fd_in to fd_out. The number moved is written to *rc, or negative on error, with *en containing the error code. *off_in must be an offset to read from, or off_in must be NULL. *off_out must be an offset to write to, or off_out must be NULL. *off_in and *off_out will be updated by the number of bytes moved.

react_prime_slice_dual uses react_prime_polls (or react_prime_fds if poll is not available ) internally to monitor both descriptors simultaneously. If only one event occurs, it remembers it, and waits only for the remainder. react_prime_slice is an alias macro for react_prime_slice_dual.

react_prime_slice_writefirst first waits for the output descriptor to become writable, then for the input to become readable, so it always takes two events. It is retained as the original implementation.

*rc takes on the following error codes:

The error was generated by the internal call to splice.
The error was due to internal repriming of the event on the input descriptor.
The error was due to internal repriming of the event on the output descriptor.
An unexpected event ocurred on the input descriptor. Note that en error might also have occurred on the output descriptor.
An unexpected event ocurred on the output descriptor. Note that en error might also have occurred on the input descriptor.

Socket events

#ifdef __WIN32__
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_sock(react_t, react_sock_t sock, react_iomode_t m);
int react_prime_sockin(react_t, react_sock_t sock);
int react_prime_sockout(react_t, react_sock_t sock);
int react_prime_sockexc(react_t, react_sock_t sock);

When m is react_MIN, react_MOUT or react_MEXC, the handle will be queued when socket sock can be read from, written to, or accessed for exceptional events, without blocking. The other functions simply use a hard-wired mode as indicated by their names.

react_sock_t is SOCKET on Windows, but int everywhere else. These functions are provided for portability of programs that use sockets.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_recv(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                     void *buf, react_buflen_t len, int flags,
                     react_ssize_t *rc, int *en);
int react_prime_recvfrom(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                         void *buf, react_buflen_t len, int flags,
                         struct sockaddr *addr,
                         react_socklen_t *addrlen,
                         react_ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle is queued and defused when 1…len bytes have been read from sock into buf. The number of bytes read is stored in *rc, or -1 on error, with the error code stored in *en. Use react_prime_recv on a stream socket, and react_prime_recvfrom on a datagram socket, the latter storing the address of the sender in *addr, and specifying the address length in *addrlen.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_send(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                     const void *buf, react_buflen_t len, int flags,
                     react_ssize_t *rc, int *en);
int react_prime_sendto(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                       const void *buf, react_buflen_t, int flags,
                       const struct sockaddr *addr,
                       react_socklen_t addrlen,
                       react_ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle is defused and queued when 1…len bytes have been written to sock from buf. The number of bytes written is stored in *rc, or -1 on error, with the error code stored in *en. Use react_prime_send on a stream socket, and react_prime_sendto on a datagram socket, for the latter giving the address of the receiver in *addr, and specifying the address length in addrlen.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_recvmsg(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                        struct msghdr *msg, int flags,
                        react_ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle is defused and queued when some bytes specified by msg (see recvmsg) have been read from sock. *rc holds the number of bytes received, or zero on EOF, or -1 on error, with *en holding the error code.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_sendmsg(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                        const struct msghdr *msg, int flags,
                        react_ssize_t *rc, int *en);

The handle is defused and queued when some bytes specified by msg (see sendmsg) have been written to sock. *rc holds the number of bytes written, or -1 on error, with *en holding the error code.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_accept(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                       struct sockaddr *addr,
                       react_socklen_t *addrlen,
                       react_sock_t *created, int *en);
int react_prime_accept4(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                        struct sockaddr *addr,
                        react_socklen_t *addrlen, int flags,
                        react_sock_t *created, int *en);

The handle is defused and queued when an incoming connection is accepted on the listening socket sock. *created will be the socket for the new connection, with the remote peer's address stored in *addr, and its length stored in *addrlen. On error, *created will be react_INVALID_SOCKET, with the error code in *en.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_connect(react_t, react_sock_t sock,
                        const struct sockaddr *addr, react_socklen_t addrlen,
                        int *rc, int *en);

The handle is defused and queued when an outgoing connection on the socket sock to the address *addr of length addrlen is remotely accepted. *rc will be zero on success, or -1 on error, with *en holding the error code.

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <react/socket.h>
int react_prime_winsock(react_t, SOCKET sock,
                        long m, long *got, DWORD *st);

The handle is queued when any of the events in m occur on socket sock. The events are as specified for WSAEventSelect. If got != NULL, *got will indicate which set of events occurred. If st != NULL, *st will be WAIT_OBJECT_0 if everything went okay, or WAIT_ABANDONED if something went wrong.

Events on native file handles

#include <react/types.h>
#include <react/file.h>
int react_prime_file(react_t, react_file_t fd, react_iomode_t m);
int react_prime_filein(react_t, react_file_t fd);
int react_prime_fileout(react_t, react_file_t fd);
int react_prime_fileexc(react_t, react_file_t fd);

When m is react_MIN, react_MOUT or react_MEXC, the event handle will be queued when la file handle fd can be read from, written to, or accessed for exceptional events, without blocking. The other functions simply use a hard-wired mode as indicated by their names.

react_file_t is int if defined.

Events on ISO file handles

#include <stdio.h>
#include <react/file.h>
int react_prime_stdfilein(react_t, FILE *fp);
int react_prime_stdfileout(react_t, FILE *fp);

The handle is queued when the stream fp becomes readable or writeable respectively.

#include <react/file.h>
int react_prime_stdin(react_t);

The handle is queued when stdin becomes readable.

Pipe events

#include <react/types.h>
#include <react/pipe.h>
int react_prime_pipe(react_t, react_pipe_t, react_iomode_t);
int react_prime_pipein(react_t, react_pipe_t fd);
int react_prime_pipeout(react_t, react_pipe_t fd);
int react_prime_pipeexc(react_t, react_pipe_t fd);

When m is react_MIN, react_MOUT or react_MEXC, the event handle will be queued when pipe descriptor fd can be read from, written to, or accessed for exceptional events, without blocking. The other functions simply use a hard-wired mode as indicated by their names.

react_pipe_t is int if defined.

Windows events

#include <windows.h>
#include <react/windows.h>
int react_prime_winhandle(react_t, HANDLE hdl, DWORD *st);

The event handle is queued when the Windows handle hdl is signalled. *st is set to WAIT_OBJECT_0 if okay, and WAIT_ABANDONED on error.

#include <windows.h>
#include <react/windows.h>
int react_prime_winmsg(react_t, DWORD wakeMask);

The handle is queued when any Windows message specified by wakeMask occurs. See MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, the parameter dwWakeMask, for the list of message types that can be monitored.

#include <windows.h>
#include <react/windows.h>
int react_prime_winapc(react_t);

The handle is queued when an APC arrives. Not sure if this will work reliably if the APC arrives when not in react_yield!

ISO signals

#include <react/signal.h>
int react_prime_intr(react_t);

The handle will be queued if the react_yield call is interrupted by at least one signal. It is up to the user to determine which signal has occurred. This function exists primarily to prevent react_yield from failing with EAGAIN if it runs out of all other events to watch. A program might use this if it can run out of all other events, but can be woken up again by an external signal like SIGHUP.

Miscellaneous operations

#include <react/event.h>
void react_cancel(react_t ev);
void react_trigger(react_t ev);

react_cancel defuses and dequeues an event handle. react_trigger artificially queues and defuses an event handle.

Handle state

#include <react/event.h>

// queued
int react_isqueued(react_t ev);

// primed
int react_isprimed(react_t ev);

// queued and unprimed
int react_istriggered(react_t ev);

// queued or primed
int react_isactive(react_t ev);

These functions determine the state of an event handle, returning non-zero if the states described above them are true.

C++ interface

Create a core as follows:

#include <react/core.hh>

react::Core core = react::newCore();

To invoke a method react when an event occurs:

#include <react/core.hh>
#include <react/event.hh>
#include <react/handler.hh>
#include <react/time.hh>
#include <react/idle.hh>

class MyEntity : public react::Handler {
  react::Event event;

  void react() {

  MyEntity(react::Core core)
    : event(core->open(*this)) { }

  void doWhenIdle() {
    react::IdleCondition cond;

  void doAfter(int secs) {
    timeval now;
    now.tv_sec += secs;
    react::TimevalCondition cond(now);

To invoke arbitrary methods, use a delegate for each one:

#include <react/core.hh>
#include <react/event.hh>
#include <react/handler.hh>

class MyEntity {
  react::InnerHandler<MyEntity> delegate;
  react::Event event;

  void action() {

  MyEntity(react::Core core)
    : delegate(*this, &MyEntity::action),
      event(core->open(delegate)) { }

  . . .

Core and Event are std::shared_ptrs, so you don't have to do any special management on them.

<react/idle.hh> defines a condition IdleCondition().

<react/fd.hh> defines a condition DescriptorCondition(int, react::iomode_t).

<react/time.hh> defines TimeValCondition(const ::timeval &), TimeSpecCondition(const ::timespec &), WinFileTimeCondition(const ::FILETIME &) and TimeValCondition(const ::time_t &).

<react/windows.hh> defines WinHandleCondition(HANDLE), and WinHandleCondition(HANDLE, DWORD &) if you want to get a status.

<react/socket.hh> defines SocketCondition(react_sock_t, react::iomode_t) and WinSockCondition(SOCKET, long, long &, DWORD).

<react/file.hh> defines FileCondition(react_file_t, react::iomode_t), StdFileInCondition(FILE *) and StdFileOutCondition(FILE *).

List of C and C++ headers

  • <react/event.h>
  • <react/features.h>
  • <react/types.h>
  • <react/idle.h>
  • <react/fd.h>
  • <react/file.h>
  • <react/pipe.h>
  • <react/socket.h>
  • <react/time.h>
  • <react/signal.h>
  • <react/windows.h>
  • <react/riscos.h>
  • <react/version.h>
  • <react/condhelp.hh>
  • <react/condition.hh>
  • <react/core.hh>
  • <react/event.hh>
  • <react/handler.hh>
  • <react/handlerhelp.hh>
  • <react/types.hh>
  • <react/version.hh>
  • <react/idle.hh>
  • <react/fd.hh>
  • <react/file.hh>
  • <react/pipe.hh>
  • <react/socket.hh>
  • <react/time.hh>
  • <react/signal.hh>
  • <react/windows.hh>
  • <react/core.h>

Disused headers:

  • <react.h>
  • <react_version.h>
  • <react/conds.h>
  • <react/condtype.h>
  • <react/user.h>
  • <react/prio.h>
  • <react/prio.hh>
  • <react/conds.hh>


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