— rendered useless to the narrow-window user

This site potentially offers a great deal of enjoyment to its visitors if they like solving this kind of logic puzzle.


  • 5-column layout!
  • The <body text> attribute is not specified, but all the other colours are.
  • The <body>'s font size is absolute.
  • The language-selection menu won't wrap simply because there are no spaces between the items, increasing the minimum width.
  • <table> is used for layout.

I'd really like to visit this site and take advantage of what it offers, but the interface renders that impossible.



Still many fault are present, but the font-size is now sensibly left as the default!


No horizontal scroll bar! Actually, I'm less bothered by that, since some of the puzzles will be quite big, and solving one is a complete attention-grabbing exercise. Still, I wouldn't want to be put off on the first first. So, good!