— an appearance that depends on its fixed width

This page is a showcase of appalling websites, rather like itself.


  • That's a title? The description is actually shorter! It also has an out-of-context trailing colon.
  • font-size: 70% is applied to <body>, then it's set to 1.1em later, so that comes to 77% of the user's default.
  • A fixed width is applied to the <div> encompassing all content.
  • Navigation also has a fixed width.
  • The border separating navigation and content depends on the fixed width.
  • When you turn CSS off, navigation comes first. The main content is a whole screenful further down.

It's a candidate for its own prize.



The font-size setting is now only 0.9em; not perfect, but somewhat better! The title is still vomitous, but most of the other problems seem to be have been lessened or dealt with. Good!