C does not allow you to declare class types (as you can in Java using the class construct), but you can declare C structures using the struct construct. A C structure is like a Java class that only contains public data members — there must be no functions, and all parts are visible to any code that knows the declaration. For example:

struct point {
  int x, y;

This declares a type called struct point (NB: ‘struct’ is part of the name; point is known as the structure type's tag).

Members of a C structure are accessed using the . operator, as class members can be in Java:

struct point location;

location.x = 10;
location.y = 13;

A structure object may be initialised where it is defined:

struct point location = { 10, 13 };
   /* okay; initialisation (part of definition) */

location = { 4, 5 };
   /* illegal; assignment (not part of definition) */

In C99, you can create anonymous structure objects to perform compound assignement:

location = (struct point) { 4, 5 }; /* legal in C99 */

In C99, a structure initialisation can specify which members are being set:

struct point location = { .y = 13, .x = 10 }; /* legal in C99 */

Unlike Java, where class variables are references to objects, C structure variables are the objects themselves. Assigning one to another causes copying of the members:

struct point a = { 1, 2 };
struct point b;

b = a;    /* copies a.x to b.x, and a.y to b.y */
b.x = 10; /* does not affect a.x */