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Compare with later versions:

C99 defines 24 standard headers and specifies 1058 names. Among them, the macro __STDC_VERSION__ expands to 199901L.

This standard extended the library substantially and added several language features.

inline was introduced, stolen from C++. Making a function in-line suggests that the compiler should try to embed the function's implementation directly in the calling code, thus avoiding the overhead of a function call.

restrict type qualification was introduced to permit optimisation of indirection. A restrict-qualified pointer type indicates that the referenced object will not change unexpectedly due to things outside a function's control (such as a call to another function).

C++ block structure was adopted in the grammar of block statements.

Array . Multidimensional arrays and their dimensions can be passed as arguments. Specific array elements can be initialised. Variable-length arrays may appear at the end of structures. Specific structure members can be initialised.

The header <complex.h> was introduced to provide arithmetic types for complex and imaginary numbers and their associated mathematical operations.

The header <math.h> was greatly extended with new operations and variations for each floating-point type.

The header <tgmath.h> was introduced to provide type-generic mathematical operations.

The headers <stdint.h> and <inttypes.h> were introduced to provide integer types with special characteristics. For example, int_least32_t is the narrowest signed integer type with at least 32 usable bits, and PRIdLEAST32 is the conversion specifier used to print a value of this type.

The header <stdbool.h> was introduced to provide a boolean type.

The header <fenv.h> was introduced to provide portable access to the floating-point environment.

A program can identify an environment conforming at least to C99 by the presence of __STDC__ with the value 1 and the presence of __STDC_VERSION__ with the minimum value 199901L. It can further determine that it does not conform to any later version by detecting that exact value.

Names specified in C99

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