Names specified here
Name Description Notes Source Availability
atomic_size_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
SIZE_MAX Maximum value of size_t H M <stdint.h> C99 C11
size_t Implementation-defined size type H T Headers C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
sizeof Yield size of object L + Keyword C89 C90 C95 C99 C11

Objects are reserved areas of memory for holding values that a C program may manipulate directly. Variables are objects whose values can be modified by the program. Every object has a size and type, and most objects are addressable in memory, i.e., you can obtain pointers to them. Many objects also have a name. All objects useful to the program either have a name or are addressable. All objects have a storage duration.

Storage duration

Every object has a storage duration (or storage class), indicating the lifetime that its memory is allocated to it.

  • Objects with static storage exist for the lifetime of the program's execution.

  • Objects with automatic storage are created and destroyed within an enclosing block statement.

  • Objects with dynamic storage are created and destroyed directly under the program's control.

  • Since C11, multiple instances of an object with thread storage are created on-demand per thread, and destroyed when the thread terminates.

The following keywords are used to specify storage duration in declarations:


Note that some of these keywords, specifically static and extern, affect more than just storage duration, e.g., linkage. In particular, static and extern may be used together with _Thread_local to influence the linkage of a thread-local object.

Object size

Every object has a size in bytes, which is also the size of its type. char, signed char and unsigned char all have a size of 1. You can get the size of an object using the sizeof operator:

int x;
printf("%zu\n", sizeof x);
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(int));

Brackets are required when offering a type name instead of an expression. You can't offer an incomplete type to sizeof.

sizeof unary-expression
sizeof ( type-name )

The result of a sizeof expression is of type size_t, which is an alias for an unsigned integer type with the range zero to SIZE_MAX, which is at least 65535. Use the type modifier z on integer conversion specifiers with printf and scanf to convert a size_t to and from characters (for example, "%zu").

atomic_size_t is an alias for _Atomic size_t.

The size of an array is the size of each of its elements times the number of elements, so you can get the number of elements of an array arr with an expression such as sizeof arr / sizeof arr[0].

The size of a structure type is the sum of the sizes of its members plus padding for the sake of alignment. The initial member is assumed to be aligned for all types, then each member is padded to ensure correct alignment of its subsequent member, and the final member is padded for alignment of a subsequent identical structure.

The size of a union type is the largest of the sizes of its members plus padding for the sake of alignment. For example, suppose that sizeof(short) is 2 and that alignof(short) is also 2. This union could have a size of 4, even though its largest member has a size of 3:

union foo {
  short s;
  char ca[3];

This is because the union as a whole must have a suitable alignment for all its members (the highest common factor, which is 2), and then each member must be padded to be a multiple of that 2, so that an adjacent union in an array will continue to have the same alignment, and the maximum size of these padded members is 4.

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