Names specified here
Name Description Notes Source Availability
static Storage class for block-scoped static objects L S Keyword C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
static Specifier for internal functions L S Keyword C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
static Storage class for file-scoped static objects L S Keyword C89 C90 C95 C99 C11

A C program is made from a set of definitions of types, enumeration constants, macros, functions and objects provided in one or more translation units. A translation unit is what you get when you pass a source file through the preprocessor.

translation-unit external-declaration

All definitions also serve as declarations.

Every definition has either ‘external linkage’, ‘internal linkage’ or ‘no linkage’, which governs what happens when several translation units are combined to produce a complete program. Two definitions with the same name but with different scope can have different linkage.

External linkage

Definitions with external linkage can be referenced by name from anywhere in the same program, even from different translation units. All definitions with external linkage within a complete program must have unique names.

All objects with external linkage have static storage duration.

Internal linkage

Definitions with internal linkage can be referenced by name from anywhere in the same translation unit. All internal and external definitions within a single translation unit must have unique names. This allows a translation unit to have private definitions with linkage that are hidden from other translation units. After translation, their names are often redundant.

All objects with internal linkage have static storage duration.

No linkage

Definitions with no linkage do not survive translation. They inform translation, but the information in its original form is not required thereafter. (However, information about them is often preserved for diagnostic purposes.)

All functions are external by default; it is not necessary to define them with extern, and doing so may imply unwanted additional semantics. A function defined with static is internal.

All file-scope objects are external by default. extern is redundant, and may imply unwanted additional semantics. Define with static to make them internal.

All block-scope objects have no linkage and automatic storage duration by default. Define with static to make them internal and have static storage duration. External objects cannot be defined in block scope, but extern applied to a mere declaration makes it refer to an external object.

All types, enumeration constants, macros, and objects with automatic storage duration always have no linkage.

Enumeration constants will have been replaced with their actual values during phase 7 of translation. Macros are resolved at an even earlier phase. Consequently, enumeration constants and macros always have no linkage.

Types govern what byte offsets and which machine-code instructions of the target language to use; once these qualities have been determined (as a result of translation), type information is often redundant. Types, therefore, always have no linkage.

In the declarations below, counter, struct point, c1, c2 and all the automatic objects (the parameters and local variables) have no linkage; swap, print_message and swoon have internal linkage; f and mean have external linkage:

typedef int counter; // none; type

struct point { // none; type
  int x, y;

enum {
  c1, // none; constant
  c2, // none; constant

static swap // internal
  (int *ap, // none; parameter
   int *bp) // none; parameter
  int tmp = *ap; // none; local variable
  *ap = *bp;
  *bp = tmp;

static print_message(void); // internal

void f(void) // external
  static void swoon(void); // internal

double mean             // external
  (const double *start, // none; parameter
   size_t len);         // none; parameter

Functions can be kept local to a translation unit, so their names aren't visible from other translation units, by declaring them with static:

// a static prototype
static int sum(int x, int y);

// a static definition
static int sum(int x, int y)
  return x + y;

Such functions have internal linkage.

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