Objects and variables with static storage duration exist for the entire duration of a program's execution. They are informally called global variables, globals and static objects.

All objects declared with file scope have static storage, i.e., anything not inside a function body. Objects declared inside a function, but with static or extern, also have static storage. String literals are arrays with static storage. Compound literals outside of function bodies also have static storage.

The address of a static object can serve as a constant expression.

Here are some declarations for objects with static storage:

// outside of any function

// a tentative definition, with external linkage
int counter;

// a concrete definition, with external linkage
int nombrilo = 100;

// a declaration only, with external linkage
extern int other_counter;

// a concrete definition, with internal linkage
static int counter3 = 100;

// a tentative definition only, with internal linkage
static int counter4;

void func(void)
  // a definition with block scope for an object with internal linkage
  static const char int_msg[] = "message";

  // a declaration with block scope for an object with external linkage
  extern const char ext_msg[];

  /* The function is passed the address of an anonymous
     static array of 9 chars. */

All static objects are zero-initialized when the program starts, unless they have a specific initializer. If a declaration has an initializer, it is a concrete definition: nombrilo, counter3, int_msg. If it lacks an initializer and extern, and has file scope, it is a tentative definition: counter, counter4. Otherwise, it is just a declaration: other_counter, ext_msg. At the end of a translation unit, if a given object has tentative definitions, there must be at most one corresponding concrete definition. If one is not provided, a zero-initialized concrete definition will be assumed.

int counter; // okay; tentative definition

int counter; // okay; repeated tentative definition

int counter = 10; // okay; concrete definition

int counter; // okay; repeated tentative definition

extern int counter; // okay; pure declaration

extern int counter = 10; // error; repeated concrete definition
int counter = 10; // error; repeated concrete definition
int counter = 20; // error; conflicting concrete definition
extern int counter = 20; // error; conflicting concrete definition

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