All standard C types
Name Description Notes Source Availability
_Bool Boolean type L T Keyword C99 C11
atomic_bool Atomic boolean type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_char Atomic character type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_char16_t Atomic character type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_char32_t Atomic character type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_flag Lock-free atomic flag ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_fast16_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_fast32_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_fast64_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_fast8_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_least16_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_least32_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_least64_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_int_least8_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_intmax_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_intptr_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_llong Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_long Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_ptrdiff_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_schar Atomic character type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_short Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_size_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uchar Atomic character type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_fast16_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_fast32_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_fast64_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_fast8_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_least16_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_least32_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_least64_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uint_least8_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uintmax_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_uintptr_t Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_ullong Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_ulong Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_ushort Atomic integer type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
atomic_wchar_t Atomic character type ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
bool Boolean type L M T <stdbool.h> C99 C11
char Character type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
char16_t Potential 16-bit Unicode-character type ? T <uchar.h> C11
char32_t Potential 32-bit Unicode-character type ? T <uchar.h> C11
clock_t Execution-time type T <time.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
cnd_t Condition-variable type ? T <threads.h> C11
constraint_handler_t Type of function handling run-time constraint violations ? T <stdlib.h> C11
div_t Result of integer division T <stdlib.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
double ‘Double-precision’ floating-point type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
double _Complex ‘Double-precision’ floating-point complex type L ? T Native C99 C11
double _Imaginary ‘Double-precision’ floating-point imaginary type L ? T Native C99 C11
double complex ‘Double-precision’ floating-point complex type ? T <complex.h> C99 C11
double imaginary ‘Double-precision’ floating-point imaginary type ? T <complex.h> C99 C11
double_t Evaluation type for double T <math.h> C99 C11
errno_t Error-number type ? T Headers C11
FILE * Open stream T <stdio.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
fenv_t Floating-point status T <fenv.h> C99 C11
fexcept_t Floating-point exception status T <fenv.h> C99 C11
float ‘Single-precision’ floating-point type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
float _Complex ‘Single-precision’ floating-point complex type L ? T Native C99 C11
float _Imaginary ‘Single-precision’ floating-point imaginary type L ? T Native C99 C11
float complex ‘Single-precision’ floating-point complex type ? T <complex.h> C99 C11
float imaginary ‘Single-precision’ floating-point imaginary type ? T <complex.h> C99 C11
float_t Evaluation type for float T <math.h> C99 C11
fpos_t Stream-position type T <stdio.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
imaxdiv_t Result of integer division T <inttypes.h> C99 C11
int Signed integer type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
int16_t Signed integer type of exactly 16 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int32_t Signed integer type of exactly 32 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int64_t Signed integer type of exactly 64 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int8_t Signed integer type of exactly 8 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_fast16_t Fastest signed integer type with at least 16 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_fast32_t Fastest signed integer type with at least 32 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_fast64_t Fastest signed integer type with at least 64 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_fast8_t Fastest signed integer type with at least 8 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_least16_t Smallest signed integer type with at least 16 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_least32_t Smallest signed integer type with at least 32 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_least64_t Smallest signed integer type with at least 64 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
int_least8_t Smallest signed integer type with at least 8 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
intmax_t Largest signed integer type L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
intptr_t Signed integer type capable of storing a pointer L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
jmp_buf Stored execution state T <setjmp.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
ldiv_t Result of integer division T <stdlib.h> C99 C11
lldiv_t Result of integer division T <stdlib.h> C99 C11
long Signed integer type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
long double ‘Long’ floating-point type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
long double _Complex ‘Long’ floating-point complex type L ? T Native C99 C11
long double _Imaginary ‘Long’ floating-point imaginary type L ? T Native C99 C11
long double complex ‘Long’ floating-point complex type ? T <complex.h> C99 C11
long double imaginary ‘Long’ floating-point imaginary type ? T <complex.h> C99 C11
long long Signed integer type L T Native C99 C11
max_align_t Type with maximum alignment requirement L T <stddef.h> C11
mbstate_t Multibyte conversion state T Headers C95 C99 C11
memory_order Type for memory-ordering constraints ? T <stdatomic.h> C11
mtx_t Mutex-identifier type ? T <threads.h> C11
once_flag Flag type to detect exactly one invocation ? T <threads.h> C11
ptrdiff_t Implementation-defined pointer-difference type H T <stddef.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
rsize_t Implementation-defined size type with implied run-time constraints L ? T Headers C11
short Signed integer type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
sig_atomic_t Type for use by signal handlers H T <signal.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
signed char Character type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
size_t Implementation-defined size type H T Headers C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
struct lconv Description of local notations T <locale.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
struct timespec Nanosecond time type T <time.h> C11
struct tm Time type T Headers C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
thrd_start_t Thread action type ? T <threads.h> C11
thrd_t Thread-identifier type ? T <threads.h> C11
time_t Calendar-time type T <time.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
tss_dtor_t Destructor type for thread-specific storage ? T <threads.h> C11
tss_t Thread-specific storage identifier type ? T <threads.h> C11
uint16_t Unsigned integer type of exactly 16 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint32_t Unsigned integer type of exactly 32 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint64_t Unsigned integer type of exactly 64 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint8_t Unsigned integer type of exactly 8 bits L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_fast16_t Fastest unsigned integer type with at least 16 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_fast32_t Fastest unsigned integer type with at least 32 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_fast64_t Fastest unsigned integer type with at least 64 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_fast8_t Fastest unsigned integer type with at least 8 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_least16_t Smallest unsigned integer type with at least 16 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_least32_t Smallest unsigned integer type with at least 32 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_least64_t Smallest unsigned integer type with at least 64 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uint_least8_t Smallest unsigned integer type with at least 8 bits L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uintmax_t Largest unsigned integer type L T <stdint.h> C99 C11
uintptr_t Unsigned integer type capable of storing a pointer L ? T <stdint.h> C99 C11
unsigned Unsigned integer type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
unsigned char Character type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
unsigned long Unsigned integer type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
unsigned long long Unsigned integer type L T Native C99 C11
unsigned short Unsigned integer type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
va_list Argument iterator L T <stdarg.h> C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
void Empty return type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
void Empty type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
void Empty parameter list L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
void * Generic pointer type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11
wchar_t Wide-character type H T Headers C95 C99 C11
wctrans_t Wide-character mapping T <wctype.h> C95 C99 C11
wctype_t Wide-character classification T <wctype.h> C95 C99 C11
wint_t Wide-character or error type H T Headers C95 C99 C11

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