Names specified here
Name Description Notes Source Availability
void Empty type L T Native C89 C90 C95 C99 C11

Where a declaration for a type is in scope, it is either complete or incomplete. Only array types, structure types, union types and enumeration types can be incomplete, because they can be partially declared, with a full declaration coming later. For example, consider these declarations:

struct point {
  int x;
  int y;

union buff {
  unsigned char raw[256];
  struct packet pkt;

enum choice { YES, NO, DONTKNOW };

We know how big an object of type struct point would be, because its members are listed; similarly for union buff. The compiler will know what integer type to choose to represent all values in enum choice. Being complete types, they all have known sizes, which you can get with sizeof(struct point), etc.

The following declarations are also permitted:

struct point;

union buff;

enum choice;

Until a complete declaration comes into scope, these are incomplete types. This means that sizeof(struct point), etc., are all errors, because their sizes cannot be determined at this stage. Obviously, members of the structure, union and enumeration types are also inaccessible, because they are unknown.

It is possible to declare static objects of these types, but only as pure declarations, i.e., with extern and no initializer:

extern struct point a;

extern union buff b;

extern enum choice c;

/* An array of indeterminate size also has incomplete type. */
extern int arr[];

It's not possible to provide definitions of these objects until the type is complete, but that could be done in a different translation unit.

All pointer types are complete, even if what they point to is incomplete. Even with the incomplete types declared above, it is possible to use the types struct point *, union buff *, etc., provided values of these types are not dereferenced and are not subject to pointer arithmetic.

The members of a structure or union must be of complete types, except for the final member of a structure (in C99 or later), which may be an incomplete array type.

void is a permanently incomplete type. No object/variable can ever be declared of type void. The type is used in three ways:

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