Names specified here
Name Description Notes Source Availability
typedef Declare type alias L S Keyword C89 C90 C95 C99 C11

C permits the definition of type aliases, alternative names for existing types, using the keyword typedef. For example:

typedef int counter_type;

This defines a new type name counter_type which is an alias for int. Now variables, types and functions an be declared with this type:

struct entry {
  char name[20];
  counter_type score;

counter_type num_of_entries;

void list_entries(struct entry *base, counter_type howmany);

Such declarations are equivalent to the following, with counter_type replaced with int:

struct entry {
  char name[20];
  int score;

int num_of_entries;

void list_entries(struct entry *base, int howmany);

typedef isn't merely doing textual substitution. If we define counter_type with something more syntactically complex:

typedef int counter_type[100];

…the equivalent declarations become:

struct entry {
  char name[20];
  int score[100];

int num_of_entries;

void list_entries(struct entry *base, int howmany[100]);

Note that the typedef construct is syntactically a variable declaration. If you take an existing variable declaration:

struct wedge my_var[100];

…and put typedef in front of it:

typedef struct wedge my_var[100];

…the declared name my_var no longer identifies a variable, but becomes a type alias for whatever type my_var would have been without the typedef.

A type alias can be useful for hiding the internal details of a type, making it easier to change those details under different circumstances. This is used throughout the standard library to mask platform-specific variation. For example, size_t is specified to be an alias for an unsigned integer type. This allows it to be (say) unsigned on one platform, while being unsigned long on another, according to the requirements and capabilities of the platform.

A type alias can also be useful for self-documenting code. Again, this utility is employed in the standard library in the specification of rsize_t, which is an alias for size_t. It is documented that functions that take rsize_t as parameters perform certain run-time constraint checking on those arguments, and fail in a graceful and detectable way.

A further use for type aliases is to simplify complex declarations. The declaration for the function signal is unintuitive:

void (*signal(int s, void (*handler)(int)))(int);

The declaration is complicated by the fact that it returns a pointer to a function, and that one of its parameters is of the same type. We can simplify the declaration by using an alias for this pointer-to-function type:

typedef void (*signal_handler_t)(int);

signal_handler_t signal(int s, signal_handler_t handler);

Alternatively, we could expose the fact that a pointer is required and returned by excluding it from the alias:

typedef void signal_handler_t(int);

signal_handler_t *signal(int s, signal_handler_t *handler);

Note that, in this case, the typedef is syntactically equivalent to a function prototype.

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