Names specified here
Name Description Notes Source Availability
cproj() Compute projection onto Reimann sphere M (·) <tgmath.h> C99 C11
cproj() Compute projection onto Reimann sphere ? (·) <complex.h> C99 C11
cprojf() Compute projection onto Reimann sphere ? (·) <complex.h> C99 C11
cprojl() Compute projection onto Reimann sphere ? (·) <complex.h> C99 C11
#include <complex.h>
float complex cprojf(float complex x);
double complex cproj(double complex x);
long double complex cprojl(long double complex x);
#include <tgmath.h>
complex-type cproj(complex-type x);

The cproj functions compute a projection of the complex number x onto a Riemann sphere. If any part of x is infinite, cproj(x) returns INFINITY + I * copysign(0.0, cimag(x)). Otherwise, it returns x. [Really?] The other functions behave similarly, just with different types.

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