Names specified here
Name Description Notes Source Availability
#include Include header L Directive C89 C90 C95 C99 C11

Suppose you need a type available in two separate translation units:

struct point {
  int x, y;

Copying such a declaration manually into the two corresponding source files is not only tedious, but also error-prone, and doubly so if you decide later to alter it.

Instead, shared declarations should be placed in headers, usually text files with a suffix .h. For example:

// in point.h
struct point {
  int x, y;

This declaration is now available in any source file where it is needed, simply by using the directive #include:

#include "point.h"

double distance(const struct point *p)
  return sqrt(p->x * p->x + p->y * p->y);

The technique works equally well with function prototypes, in-line function declarations and macro definitions that need to be shared across source files. Related types, functions and macros are usually grouped together in a single header, rather than defining a header for each one. Extending our example, we could declare distance together with the type it operates on:

// in point.h

struct point {
  int x, y;

double distance(const struct point *p);

A header can also be included using this form:

#include <something.h>

This usually tells the preprocessor to look for the header in a preconfigured location, such as where external libraries are stored, rather than within the same directory as the source files. C provides a Standard Library, which is exposed through its Standard headers, which should always be included using the form <>.

An #include directive matches the grammar of control-line:

# include pp-tokens new-line
< h-char-sequence >
" q-char-sequence "
h-char-sequence h-char
q-char-sequence q-char
any member of the source character set except > and the new-line character
any member of the source character set except " and the new-line character

Its pp-tokens are subject to macro expansion, and the result must match header-name.

Header contents

The following may be placed in headers:

Of course, they don't have to be placed in headers, unless you need to use them in more than one source file.

The following should not normally be placed in header files:

Protection against multiple inclusions

Headers also get preprocessed, so they are subject to macro expansion, and can contain further directives, including #include. This can lead to a problem of including a header twice by mistake. Suppose foo.h includes bar.h and baz.h, and both of these include qux.h. Any source file including foo.h will inadvertantly include the contents of qux.h twice. Repeated function prototypes in qux.h won't cause a problem, but redefinitions of macros will, as will redefinitions of types, even if the definitions are identical. To avoid this, the header contents should be protected by choosing an unused macro name, defining it when the header is included, and using #ifndef to detect when it has already been defined, and therefore whether the header has already been included:

// in point.h

struct point {
  int x, y;

double distance(const struct point *p);


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