Installation of Mokvino Web

Mokvino Web is a collection of scripts for GNU Awk, GNU Make and Mokvino which can be used to build and maintain websites.

You need the following packages on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install coreutils diffutils findutils gzip inkscape libbatik-java libfop-java tidy netpbm pdf2svg poppler-utils ps2eps texlive-extra-utils unoconv xsltproc icoutils webp autogen

To install, check out a working copy of the stable branch:

svn co m5web
sudo make install

This installs in $PREFIX, which is /usr/local by default. The installation consists of $PREFIX/include/, and several Mokvino files in $PREFIX/include/m5web/, plus other scripts in $PREFIX/share/m5web/. To update to the latest version, switch to your working copy, and do:

svn update
sudo make install

To install in a different location, override PREFIX:

make PREFIX="$HOME/software" install

If you do this often enough, you might prefer to set up an file in the path that GNU Make searches, and override PREFIX there. Sufficiently recent versions also look for an optional file in the source root.

When you invoke make, be sure that it will search for included files in $PREFIX/include/. (PREFIX is specified during installation.) You can do this with the -I switch, either directly on the command, or by setting MAKEFLAGS:

make -I"$HOME/software/include"