Sitemaps in Mokvino Web

Mokvino Web is a collection of scripts for GNU Awk, GNU Make and Mokvino which can be used to build and maintain websites.

You can create a sitemap compatible with SSP.

# In src/www/navigation.m5



'litem_html(``Home'', `index')`

'litem_html(``Contact'', `contact', `role'=``contact'')`




'litem_html(`id'=`help', ``Help'', `help')`


Top-level items should go in the content section. The dead section allows you to declare items that are only used by reference.

To activate the sitemap from a page, add the following to the head section of the page:

meta(``schema.ssm'', ``'')
lrel(``ssm.location'', `navigation', `suffix'=`STDMAP_LNK_SUFFIX')