How is an expression like (a + b) * (c + d) evaluated? In a serial implementation, you might expect that a + b is evaluated first, then c + d, with the product of those two results computed last. However, the nature of the expression only defines a partial ordering, specifically that the product must be computed after the sums, but the sums could be computed in either order. Indeed, in a parallel implementation, the two sums could be computed simultaneously.

For expressions without side-effects, this unspecified ordering is not important. However, it is highly significant in an expression such as (a + x++) * (c * x++), as the side-effects could be performed in any order, and alter the result on the other side of the expression. And what about an expression such as (a + x++) * (c * (*p)++), where p might be pointing to x, or even a or c?

In these cases, no guarantees are made about the behaviour of the expression; it is undefined, and the compiler doesn't even have to warn you about it.

Such problematic expressions are characterized by having either at least two writes to the same object, or at least one write and one read of the same object. However, an expression is safe if, between every pair of writes to the same object, and between every pair of one read and one write on the same object, there is a sequence point.

Sequence points are defined to occur on specific operators between their operands. There is a sequence point, for example, between the operands of &&. A read or write of a single object on its left-hand side is guaranteed to happen before a read or write of the same object on the right-hand side. However, there can still be a problem if there are two writes on the left, or two on the right, unless another sequence point can be found between them.

Sequence points are found on these operators:

There is also effectively a sequence point between two statements, and between top-level initializers.

[ Work in progress : What about the end of full declarators?]
[ Work in progress : Perhaps find counter-examples.]

The Standard Library also guarantees sequence points:

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