Dynamic memory management is built into Java through its new keyword and its garbage collector. In C, it is available through two functions in <stdlib.h> which are declared as:

void *malloc(size_t s); /* Reserve memory for s chars. */
void free(void *);      /* Release memory reserved with malloc. */

(size_t is an alias for an unsigned integral type.)

malloc(s) returns a pointer to the start of a block of memory big enough for s chars. It returns a generic pointer which can be assigned to a pointer variable of any type. The memory is not initialised. All such allocated memory must be released when it is no longer required, by passing a pointer to its start to free(). Only pointer values returned by malloc() can be passed to free().

You can find out the amount of memory needed to store an object of a particular type using sizeof(type). For an array, multiply this by the number of elements required in the array.

long *lp;
long *lap;

lp = malloc(sizeof(long));
lap = malloc(sizeof(long) * 10);

/* Now we can access *lp as a long integer,
   and lap[0]..lap[9] form an array. */


/* Now we can't. */

malloc() returns a null pointer (0) if it cannot allocate the requested amount of memory.