The scalar types consist of the arithmetic types and the pointer types. [That can't be right. Arithmetic types now include complex types too, and they aren't scalar in the mathematical sense.]

A value of one scalar type can be converted to another scalar type, possibly with some loss of information. In particular, arithmetic types can be converted between each other, and any object pointer can be converted to and from void *. Sometimes, an explicit cast is necessary to tell the compiler that the conversion is intended:

( type-name ) cast-expression

If they exist, uintptr_t and intptr_t are integer types capable of holding object pointers without loss.

A cast might be necessary to force a certain variation of an operation to take place. For example:

int x, y;
double q = x / y;
double r = (double) x / y;

Although q is of type double, it will hold the result of an integer division. In contrast, r will hold the ratio of x and y, because the value of x was first cast to double, which forced the division operator / to perform real division. Note that the precedence of the cast is higher than that of /, so the expression is equivalent to ((double) x) / y.

Finally, a cast might be useful, even when not necessary, to silence a compiler warning about loss of information:

double y;

/* The compiler might warn that
   fractional data will be lost. */
int x1 = y;

/* This will silence most compilers. */
int x2 = (int) y;

Casting can only be done between scalar types.

Scalar types are required as the operands of the following operators:

unary-operator cast-expression
logical-OR-expression || logical-AND-expression
logical-AND-expression && inclusive-OR-expression

Scalar types are also required in the controlling expressions of the conditional operator, loops and if:

logical-OR-expression ? expression : conditional-expression
while ( expression ) statement
do statement while ( expression ) ;
for ( expressionopt ; expressionopt ; expressionopt ) statement
for ( declaration expressionopt ; expressionopt ) statement
since C99
if ( expression ) statement
if ( expression ) statement else statement

The macro assert requires an expression of scalar type as its argument.

wctype_t and wctrans_t are guaranteed to be scalar types.

The following types are guaranteed to be scalar; some are variations or aliases of others, and other, non-standard types may exist:

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